Dermatology/Skin Care/Aging

Charu Signhal, Etta Epidermis, Skin screening App, Skin Cancer

Entrepreneur Designs Skin Cancer Screening App Making Skin Checks as Easy as Posting on Social Media

by Joelle Klein

If you could prevent cancer by simply going for an annual screening at your doctor’s office, you would think that most people would do it. However, skin cancer, which is one of the most common forms of cancer and one of the easiest to diagnose, causes more than two deaths every hour. According to...

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Skin Cancer: What Coloradans Need to Know

Skin Cancer: What Coloradans Need to Know 

by Meghan Rabbitt

It was three months before her wedding when Julie Dugdale, a Denver-based writer, noticed an irritation near her nose that wouldn’t seem to go away. She thought it might be a pimple and ignored it. When a little voice inside nagged her to see a dermatologist, she brushed it off. “I didn’t...

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Michael Contreras, MD

Common skin issues can temporarily mar baby-soft skin

by Debra Melani

Although the little ones won’t shun social events or suffer blows to their self-esteem, acne and rashes, often in private places, can plague newborns from the start. Because rashes can signal more serious problems, Dr. Michael Contreras, a dermatologist with AboutSkin Dermatology at Sky Ridge and...

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lowered libido?


by Jan Sheehan

You get regular checkups, eat fruits and veggies, and exercise like an Energizer Bunny. But are you as healthy as you think? Take our quiz to check your health IQ. Then read on for additional wellness tips from Douglas County medical specialists.

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Aguirre Specialty Care


by Lisa Marshall

Glance in the mirror after a certain age and it seems each day brings another of Father Time’s subtle footprints: First the fine lines around the eyes and mouth. Then the freckle-like age spots and faint shadows beneath the eyes. And for women, it’s hard to ignore those widening pores and...

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