Sky Ridge Medical Center
The first wave of Baby Boomers turned 66 in 2012, and according to the AARP they’re reinventing what it means to grow older. In fact, Rod Stewart’s “Forever Young” might just be the Boomer’s theme song. A recent Pew Research study reported that Boomers, on average, feel 15 years younger...
What factors may lead to the induction of labor?
Steven Grover MD, OB/GYN, The OB/GYN Center, Sky Ridge Medical Center
Pregnant at 20, 30, 40
Can a decade make a world of difference when it comes to conception and a healthy pregnancy? Yes and no. There is no perfect age to have a baby—every woman is unique. However, the physical aspects of pregnancy and risks are somewhat influenced by age. Here’s an overview of what you can expect:
Saving active knees: MAKOplasty delays total knee replacement surgery
By staying abreast of the latest surgical advancements, HealthONE’s orthopedic surgeons help keep Coloradoans active by putting them back on their feet as quickly as possible. With the rise in knee replacements spurred largely by active baby boomers, one revolutionary technology being used today...