It’s a simple procedure that takes about 15 minutes, provides quick, easy-to-understand results and is relatively low-cost. It can also save lives, yet not many people know about it. What is it?
The coronary calcium scan, or heart scan, is a non-invasive imaging test that many cardiologists view as one of the best available tests, beyond typical risk factors such as cholesterol levels and family history, for measuring cardiac risk. In short, it helps patients assess their future risk of...
Austin Eubanks, Mending Lives
Columbine survivor found solace in aiding others to sobriety
What Makes Us Happy?
Eleven people mill around a light-filled room inside an Arvada church, a window framing a picture-perfect view of the Rockies. They’re a diverse group, with only one apparent trait they might have in common: They all seem slightly off their rockers. There’s Steve, an older gentleman who arrived...
Rising risk: Interaction threat increases along with prescription drug use
More than half of Americans take at least two prescription drugs, and 20 percent take five or more, according to a 2013 Mayo Clinic study. Factor in common use of over-the-counter medications and dietary and herbal supplements, and millions of people are at risk of a drug interaction.