Kangaroo Care Benefits Bonding in the NICU
Kangaroo Care enriches outcomes for Rose babies, families
Carrying the Weight
For moms-to-be, what they eat, gain can set baby up for life of obesity, disease
Back to Basics: A closer look at the safety of our beauty routines
A small crowd of women gathers around Heather Baruch at the Denver farmers’ market as she demonstrates her skincare line, which is free of synthetic ingredients, preservatives and chemicals “A lot of people are skeptical of natural products and don’t believe they will work,” says Baruch,...
No time for a mammogram? Think again, doctor says
HealthONE patients who make excuses for avoiding a mammogram should cross “lack of time” off their lists, as the system offers a number of screening sites across the metro area that aim for high efficiency.
Living life: Coach urges taking stock at midlife and checking back into the game
Existential angst can strike at any age. But mid-life changes, like health issues, retirement, divorce or an empty nest, often challenge a person’s sense of self and intensify the anxiety.
Pelvic prolapse: secret sufferers have solutions
Its name might sound benign, but for many women suffering pelvic prolapse, it’s embarrassing, frightening and profoundly life-altering. Worst of all, many of these often baby-boomer-aged women become reclusive, not knowing there’s help, HealthONE experts say.
The bald truth: Taking the taboo out of female hair loss
Thinning hair affects most men as they age. And no matter how much guys hate it, often suffering “plugs and rugs-type” jokes, baldness in men is generally socially acceptable. For women, however, the experience can be different.
The Power of Me Time
Prenatal, you were a pillar of health—shunning certain sushi, gulping fruit smoothies, relaxing into yoga poses. Then your baby arrived, and self-care seemed a little, well, selfish.
Postnatal Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation evokes images of solitude, but it actually can have a positive impact on your interpersonal relationships and interactions. One possible explanation: mindfulness meditation increases self-awareness.