Psychiatry/Psychology/Mental Health

visiting mom

Aging Parents: Making Every Visit Count

by Christian Toto

People visiting a loved one in a nursing home want to make every minute count. That doesn't always happen despite the best intentions. Area experts tell us a rewarding nursing home trip requires planning, flexibility and an understanding of just how the facility in question operates.

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Michael Mann. By: Brian Walski

Michael Mann Gets Better with Age

by Debra Melani

Michael Mann; Age: 58; Residence: Centennial, Colorado; Occupation: Owner of SwimLabs, where Mann and his staff help swimmers of any age or level improve their stroke by using underwater cameras and comparing client videos to those of expert swimmers’. He is also a masters swim coach at...

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Weight Loss After 50

Weight Loss After 50

by Jennifer L.W. Fink

Struggling to lose a few pounds? Dropping weight in mid-life can be tough, but that doesn’t mean you need to accept the cushion forming around your waist. Tweaking your diet and exercise routine can help nudge the numbers on the scale back in the right direction.

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Put me in, Coach: Growing field offers sideline strategies for winning the parent game

by Debra Melani

Little Haley was having a grand time at the zoo. Funny animals. Sunny skies. Ice-cream cones. Dad. It was pretty much heaven for a 4-year-old girl. Then the question came: “Haley, do you want to go home in 10 minutes or in 5 minutes?” Puzzled eyes gazed up at her father. “Daddy? Is 10...

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Steve Dicesare

Deaf Musician Plays By Ear

by Lisa Marshall

Ask Colorado musician Steve DiCesare to recall his favorite tunes from his youth and a slightly bittersweet smile washes over his face as the memories flood back. “I remember my mom’s 70s funk – bands like Earth Wind and Fire, and the Beatles. I kept a radio under my pillow. I’ve loved...

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NO LIMITS! Local athletes shatter barriers for people with disabilities

by Lisa Marshall

Imagine a day when a blind man can scale the world’s highest mountain, a paraplegic woman can compete alongside able-bodied triathletes, and below-the-knee amputees can scale towering rock walls and ice falls most wouldn’t dare. No need to imagine. That day has already come, and the Colorado...

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Coasting Over the Hill Three habits to become a happy, healthy senior

Boost Your Brain: Five tools for staying sharp into your Golden Years

by Lisa Marshall

“Have you seen my keys?” “Why did I come in here?” “Her name is on the tip of my tongue, but…” If you often find yourself uttering such phrases, you’re not alone. In fact, as early as our 30s and 40s, our mental sharpness begins to slip, the result of a constellation of neurological...

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