Looking ahead: Rose trials improve breast-cancer treatment for patients today and tomorrow
Visions of her mother’s severe radiation burns from breast-cancer treatment stuck with Eddy Duckels through the years. So did tales of her grandmother’s lost battle with the disease, despite a mastectomy. So when doctors told her that she, too, was dealt that unlucky breast-cancer card, Duckels...
No time for a mammogram? Think again, doctor says
HealthONE patients who make excuses for avoiding a mammogram should cross “lack of time” off their lists, as the system offers a number of screening sites across the metro area that aim for high efficiency.
Lifting the fog on breast-cancer screening and risks
Like a campfire ember that refuses to fade, the mammogram debate has smoldered since doctors first began using the X-rays as a breast-cancer screening tool in the 1970s. They save lives. They don’t. They result in too many false positives that freak women out. Throw in expert statements that...