Is it true that boys are usually toilet-trained later than girls? | by
Before becoming a parent I did not understand the degree of frustration, anxiety and eventual jubilation that accompany toilet-training. Adding to the stress of this rite of passage are the myriad of opinions on when and how to attempt this feat.
Dr. David Higgins
While there is truth to the idea that boys typically toilet-train later than girls, every child reaches this milestone at their own pace. Children are typically daytime toilet-trained between 2-3 years old, with boys training, on average, 2-3 months later than girls. Reasons for this difference are unclear, but may be related to differences in development, methods of training, and socialization factors.
Regardless of their gender, toilet-training is most successful when children demonstrate signs they are ready. This is unique to every child. You, as the parent, are the best judge of when your child has achieved the physical, developmental and behavioral skills needed to begin toilet-training. I encourage you to discuss these readiness signs with your pediatrician since we are here to guide you through the mess!
Advanced Pediatric Associates, Centennial, Colorado
Tags: Advanced Pediatric Associates, Toilet training
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