Meet Cynthia “Redd” Rogers, CNP, PNNP | by Solve Health Media

Cynthia Redd Rogers South Denver OB/GYN

Posted on Fri, Jan 7, 2022

Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP) and Perinatal Nurse Practitioner (PNNP) at South Denver OB/GYN & Midwives in Littleton and Castle Rock

As a 12-year-old growing up in a small rural town in Alabama, Cynthia “Redd” Rogers remembers sitting elbow-to-elbow at the kitchen table with her mom as both of them did their homework. “My mom had a background in geology, but she was taking classes to become a nurse,” Redd recalls. 

Years later when Redd set off to attend Auburn University, she wasn’t entirely clear on her career choice. “My mom was my hero. She supported three teenagers on her nurse’s salary after my dad died,” Redd recalls. Still, Redd didn’t decide to give nursing a go until her roommate — a nursing major — suggested it. Soon, Redd was enrolled as a nursing student at The University of Alabama at Birmingham. It was there that she found her calling.

Cynthia Redd Rogers South Denver OB/GYNQ: What is your nursing background?

Rogers: After I became a registered nurse, I took a traveling nurse position in Denver. In college, I traveled to Colorado with friends to ski, and I fell in love with the mountains. I always knew I wanted to live here. The traveling nurse position was perfect: I worked three days a week and skied three days a week. It also gave me time to earn my master’s degree with an emphasis in perinatal nursing from Regis University. 

After the traveling nurse position, I worked for a while in the emergency department at a downtown hospital. When I started to get burnt out, a supervisor suggested that I try labor and delivery. I always swore that I wasn’t doing women’s healthcare, but I fell in love with every aspect of that job. 

For about five years, I worked with AirLife Denver, serving as the nurse on board the helicopter or plane whenever a pregnant woman needed to be transported to Denver from a city that didn’t have the medical resources they needed. I’m proud to say I never lost a patient and never delivered a baby in the air.  

After I earned my certification as a women’s health nurse practitioner from the University of Colorado College of Nursing, I started seeing patients as part of an OB/GYN practice. I’ve been with South Denver OB/GYN & Midwives since 2014.

Q: What services do you provide as a certified nurse practitioner?

Rogers: I offer comprehensive women’s health services that range from pelvic exams and physicals to birth control and menopause care. Although obstetrics and perinatal care is no longer part of my service offerings, I provide care for women trying to conceive. With my perinatal background, I can counsel women who are facing high-risk pregnancies due to preexisting conditions like lupus or diabetes. 

As the mother of two college-age daughters, I find that I really connect with teens and young adult women. I love talking to them about their changing bodies, sex and birth control. We have some frank conversations about taking personal responsibility for their bodies, including how to prevent STDs and pregnancies. I help them feel comfortable and confident setting relationship boundaries.

Menopause is another specialty. I see a lot of women looking for relief from menopause symptoms. As a woman who is going through this stage of life, I understand the struggles. I’m able to share what’s worked for me and what hasn’t. I might have a woman try hormone therapy like BioTE® hormone pellets, but I encourage the use of natural alternatives, too. I also treat men who need hormone therapy for low testosterone levels. 

Q: What can patients expect when they come to see you?

Cynthia Redd Rogers outh Denver OB/GYNRogers: I want to get to know my patients — not just their medical history, but what they’re dealing with at home. I know that’s what affecting you mentally affects your physical health. While mental health isn’t my field, I connect women with the resources they need to get help. 

I’m very straightforward with my patients. If I see that you’re continuing to make choices that are detrimental to your health, I’ll call you on it. And then I’ll work with you to find ways to realistically make changes that you can stick to.

I’m a pretty optimistic person who always strives to see the good. But sometimes, you can’t find the good in a cancer diagnosis, miscarriage or a lifelong chronic disease. My patients know that I’m here for them. I’ll cry right along with them when life doesn’t go as planned. And I’ve been known to drop off meals to patients recovering from procedures.

Q: How did you get the nickname Redd?

Rogers: I was one of three women named Cindy in the same lecture class at Auburn. The professor prided himself in knowing everyone’s name. He decided to call me “red” because of my red hair. My peers followed suit and the name stuck. Redd (with two d’s) is a family name. I figured if everyone was going to call me red, I’d put my own mark on it and pay homage to my family. 

Q: What are your outside interests?

Rogers: I still get out on the slopes. After having both knees replaced, I’m not as fast as I used to be. I’m an avid reader with an interest in World War II stories. If a patient recommends a book, I typically read it. 

I have a reputation for being a prankster and April Fool’s Day is a favorite holiday. I once left Oreos in the office breakroom. I had replaced the crème with mint toothpaste. Another time, I left donuts with a mayonnaise filling. Occasionally, someone opens a cabinet, and a life-like snake jumps out. My colleagues know to watch out on April 1! 

Certification, women’s health nurse practitioner: University of Colorado

Master of Science in Nursing and certification, perinatal nurse practitioner: Regis University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Bachelor of Science: Auburn University

South Denver OB

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