Family Medicine/Primary Care/Internal Medicine
Reinforcing an Empty Nest
Looking forward, not back, can help parents redefine themselves during emotional time
CEO: Chief Exercising Officer
ReadyTalk CEO Dan King - recently dubbed the “World’s Fittest CEO” - is on the move, headlamp guiding his way as he rides his bike 36 miles from his Boulder home to his sixth-floor office in LODO.
Aging Parents: Making Every Visit Count
People visiting a loved one in a nursing home want to make every minute count. That doesn't always happen despite the best intentions. Area experts tell us a rewarding nursing home trip requires planning, flexibility and an understanding of just how the facility in question operates.
You get regular checkups, eat fruits and veggies, and exercise like an Energizer Bunny. But are you as healthy as you think? Take our quiz to check your health IQ. Then read on for additional wellness tips from Douglas County medical specialists.
Ed McCaffrey, Keeping Pain Free & Fit
He was John Elway’s go-to guy. At 6-foot-5-inches, he was hard for his quarterback to miss. But Ed McCaffrey, a Bronco’s All Pro wide receiver during that winning era, was also known for his valiant catches. Even during a Monday-night, season-ending play in 2001, when he suffered a severe...
Evade Boomeritis: Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
Snap, crackle, pop. It’s no longer just the sound of a breakfast cereal. Increasingly, it’s the rumble from baby boomers’ joints and ligaments tearing, and bones fracturing. Sedentary during the week, they play sports on weekends with the zeal of maniacal Olympic athletes. And, come Monday,...
Weight Loss After 50
Struggling to lose a few pounds? Dropping weight in mid-life can be tough, but that doesn’t mean you need to accept the cushion forming around your waist. Tweaking your diet and exercise routine can help nudge the numbers on the scale back in the right direction.
Beyond the Common Cold: Sinusitis
Your child has a runny nose and a cough. Is it a cold – or sinusitis?
Quinoa (KEEN-wah)
Quinoa is a grain dating back more than 5,000 years to the Incas of South America. Today, quinoa is considered one of the best whole grains on the market and is touted as a “superfood.”
Migraine Update
Are you one of the 29.5 million migraine sufferers in the United States? Migraine headaches cause more “lost days” – from work, from any kind of meaningful engagement with life – than almost any other diagnosis, especially when considered over the context of a lifetime.