Fevers: Myths and Facts
There are a number of common misconceptions about fever which create stress and unwarranted worry for many parents. We interviewed Dr. Suzanne Rogers at Advanced Pediatric Associates about some of the myths surrounding fevers in children. Here is what she had to say:
Parenting & Career Balance
Colorado company helps mothers searching for a telecommuting, part-time, freelance, or flextime job better, easier, faster, and safer.
The number of digital apps and online services touting increased productivity, organization and ingenuity is mind-boggling. Here are some of our favorites to help you flourish during the first frazzled months and turn your to-dos into ta-das.
Detecting Congenital Defects, Such as Hip Dysplasia, Early Boosts Outcomes for Babies
Woman Goes From Pediatric Cancer Patient to a New Mom at P/SL
Mostly, she remembers waking up from the morphine and seeing her doctor and parents crying. Shock prevented tears, as her local doctor explained the bad leg break during her basketball game was not a normal fracture; it was caused by an aggressive bone cancer. At 15, she didn’t know what to...
Sunny Days
Summer or winter, that Colorado sun is a hazard—not just to skin, but to little peepers. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the lens of a child’s eye allows 70 percent more UV rays to reach the delicate retina than in an adult. FYI—a $5 pair of shades works just as well as a...
Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Pediatrician
Being a parent gives you many opportunities to be selective – is this preschool right for your child, which car seat is safest, who offers the best swim lessons – but, when it comes to choosing your pediatrician how many options do you really have?
Baby Bottle Blues
How much do we really know about Bisphenol-a (BPA) and other chemicals leacked from plastics? Before I throw all my sippy cups in the trash (I mean properly recycle them), I asked a few pediatricians to weigh in on the controversial topic.