Heart Health
Not Your Mother’s Cholesterol Screening
Everything you need to know about cholesterol, now
Born To Be A National Spokeswoman
Colorado’s Sofia Montoya talks surgery, overcoming obstacles and adulthood
Is it true that the warning signs for a heart attack for women can be different than men’s symptoms; if, so what do women need to know?
Yes, women can have a broader range of symptoms signaling a heart attack. Since cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in women in the U.S. and it kills more women than all cancers combined, it’s important that you and others (medical professionals included) become familiar with...
Safer Passage
Modern Coronary Procedure at Sky Ridge Lets People Get Back to Their Lives Faster Than Ever
It’s a simple procedure that takes about 15 minutes, provides quick, easy-to-understand results and is relatively low-cost. It can also save lives, yet not many people know about it. What is it?
The coronary calcium scan, or heart scan, is a non-invasive imaging test that many cardiologists view as one of the best available tests, beyond typical risk factors such as cholesterol levels and family history, for measuring cardiac risk. In short, it helps patients assess their future risk of...