Protecting Parenthood
Fertility specialists can offer cancer patients hope of fulfilling family dreams
Meet the Doctor: Charles Mateskon, MD & Medical Director of Radiation Oncology
Radiation Oncology is the medical specialty involving the treatment of cancer with ionizing radiation (also called radiotherapy or radiation therapy). Charles Mateskon, MD, is the Medical Director of Radiation Oncology at Sky Ridge Medical Center.
For baby boomers, overcoming vices can go a long way
You know you’re a baby boomer if you remember smoking behind the school, seeing Dean Martin get soused on TV and watching McDonalds go from 1 million to billions of burgers served. You also know you’re a baby boomer if you fell into some of these bad habits that have come back to haunt you...
Just Breathe: The powerful simplicity of meditation
Imagine your thoughts as leaves on a river, clouds moving across the sun or cars on a train— with the goal being to watch the train go by without jumping onto any of the cars. Therein lies the inherent challenge of meditation.
Looking ahead: Rose trials improve breast-cancer treatment for patients today and tomorrow
Visions of her mother’s severe radiation burns from breast-cancer treatment stuck with Eddy Duckels through the years. So did tales of her grandmother’s lost battle with the disease, despite a mastectomy. So when doctors told her that she, too, was dealt that unlucky breast-cancer card, Duckels...
No time for a mammogram? Think again, doctor says
HealthONE patients who make excuses for avoiding a mammogram should cross “lack of time” off their lists, as the system offers a number of screening sites across the metro area that aim for high efficiency.
Ellen Muench had a bucket list for post-retirement in 2013, but the former flight attendant had to postpone it while she underwent treatment for breast cancer. Her diagnosis wasn’t enough of a blow, though; it came within two days of her husband, David’s, diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Caring for the caregiver: Focusing on self helps everyone in long run
Sharon Gordon works full-time and handles most household tasks since her husband, Mac, 57, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, in November 2012. Their son works full time and their daughter is in college, but they help out when they can.
Thyroid disorders: neck gland can wreak havoc
Most people brush the signs off as normal aging: gaining weight; losing energy; repeatedly searching the house for the keys. But in many cases, particularly in women past age 50, a small, butterfly-shaped gland that polices metabolism causes the chaos.