Cardiology/Vascular/Heart Health
Not Your Mother’s Cholesterol Screening
Everything you need to know about cholesterol, now
Born To Be A National Spokeswoman
Colorado’s Sofia Montoya talks surgery, overcoming obstacles and adulthood
7 Foods You’re Not Eating—But Should
Let’s face it: Most of us race through the grocery store, checking foods off our go-to lists to make our go-to meals. Even when we have more time — say, we’re strolling around the farmer’s market — it’s not likely we’ll pick up a fruit or veggie we’ve never eaten or cooked before.
Are you overcaffeinating?
Your caffeine habit — whether it’s coffee, tea, soda or energy drinks— may taste good and may even give you that much-needed boost for mental focus and performance. But too much caffeine is not good for your health. And not all caffeine is equal.
Patient becomes first at Sky Ridge to undergo PFO-closure procedure
After their patient was stabilized and recovering from a stroke, doctors at Sky Ridge Medical Center delved deeper, seeking to answer the question: Why?
Run for Decades
Three professional runners share advice on training, motivation and minimizing injuries
Sky Ridge’s New Hybrid Operating Room Enables State-of-the-Art Patient Care
In Fall of 2017, Sky Ridge Medical Center became the first hospital in southeast Denver to open a hybrid operating room (OR) at a cost of $4 million. Here, Dr. Colleen Hupp, a vascular surgeon with Colorado Cardiovascular Surgical Associates (CCVSA) at Sky Ridge, shares how this surgical...